歡迎大家互相交流在異鄉生活的經驗。 It takes time to become wealthy,so I need to be patient.

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In recent day, most friends wrote some ideas down on facebook which was talking about baseball game and against building new nuclear power factory.

How many people think about nuclear power, but not to do any action when they live in the world? I meant that I saw a lot of friends said something on facebook but I did not see they have any action in the world. If they went to the parade on March 9th, they need to do the action when they went home. For example, stop to turn on the air conditioner when you stay at home. Trying to turn off the light and put off the plug when you do not need it. Why the government need to create the fourth nuclear power factory? Why the environment gradually be destroyed nowadays? The main reason is that human is an enormous destroyer, is not it?  

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IELTS 6.5 in April

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