歡迎大家互相交流在異鄉生活的經驗。 It takes time to become wealthy,so I need to be patient.

目前分類:★Studying in Sydney★ (4)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

International house Sydney is a language school.  These teachers are in training. If you would prefer professional classes, you can ask the member who works there. I only have been to there twice. Because I joined the intermediate classes, the classes was easy and have some mistakes from the training students. For example, misspelling the words or using the wrong grammar.....etc. If you just want to have  an opportunity to improve your own words or make some friends, this is a good place to go and join the classes.



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I applied for free of charge classes to study language skills in town hall. Before the class, I need to join the language school's Speaking test.

At 2 o'clock pm, I went to the town hall station which is near the central station. It was not a hard exam. They just wanted to know your level at the moment.

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Julia 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Three weeks ago, I wanted to improve my English skills, so I searched English classes on the website which is for free of charge . Totally, I sent a mail for about five or six organizations. Finally, I got the two letters from the mail. One of the letter is from the Library of Burwood, other one is from the Surry Hills Neighbourhood Centre.      



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