Yesterday, I practised the reading part of passage. One interesting thing is that the third reading passage is talking about the effect of noise and meanwhile the research supports this view which humans are capable of adapting to a wide range of noise levels. To review my experience in Sydney, the crow is the noisest birds, particularly in the early morning. Therefore, the other birds stay in the big trees at same time is the second noiser than the other soundsSince when you walk pass the trees you can hear a huge sound from the tree. When you look up at the trees tens of thousands of birds live there. Maybe people in all walks of life will think as I think.

Finally, I could accept it very well when I live here about one month later. On the other side, when environment could not change anything in our liveswe need to change our attitude and thoughtfulness. Then, the world will be close to you and you heart in the future.
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    Julia's World and British project

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